Should we prohibit the prohibition of women from teaching?
Should we prohibit the prohibition of women from teaching in church? by Bruce C. E. Fleming We should not look for any so-called “order of creation” or “order of the Fall.” We do discover Paul was talking about an “order of disobedience.” When some say “No” to...
by Bruce C. E. Fleming SUPERVERSEs! What comes to mind? Super Man? The comic book from 1938? Super Book? The cartoon series from 1981? Super Fans? The book from 2019? It is time for SUPERVERSEs! What kind of verses? These are the Bible’s super verses on...
My First Trip to Kala, Zaïre … and back
Did I ever tell you how, long ago, we lived and worked in Africa? by Bruce C. E. Fleming I was at Kala Village on the banks of the Ubangi River in 1981. How did I get there? I don’t really recall. But on my way home I rode my dirt bike more than 100 miles into...
Victims of Domestic Violence Helped by the Tru316 Message!
Did you know? Victims of domestic violence, and those who minister to them, report being greatly helped and encouraged by the Tru316 Message. What is the Tru316 Message? My wife, Dr. Joy Fleming, studied deeply the Genesis 2-3 passage on the Garden of Eden and...
Is Genesis 3:16 about Pain in Childbirth? Yes? or No?
Did God talk about the act of childbirth in either Genesis 3:16a or 3:16b? by Bruce C. E. Fleming, Most people think God punished the woman with multiplied pain in childbirth. Their translations from the Hebrew Bible of Genesis 3:16 give them that...
What was good about Good Friday? The Promise made to Eve in 3:16!
“You shall bruise him on the heel.” God said to the serpent tempter, in Genesis 3:15. And he did, on what came to be called Good Friday. But God also promised the woman's Offspring would bruise the serpent tempter on the head. God confirmed this Good News to her...
Genesis 3:16b
How the Hebrew Text of Genesis 3:16b Can Be Translated. by Joy Fleming, PhD, PsyD Genesis 3:16 can be translated as follows (with line b in bold): I will greatly multiply your sorrowful toil and your conception. With sorrow you will bring forth children. Your...
Genesis 3:16a
How the Hebrew Text of Genesis 3:16a Can Be Translated. by Joy Fleming, PhD, PsyD Genesis 3:16a can be translated as follows: I will greatly multiply your sorrowful toil and your conception. With sorrow you will bring forth children. Your desire is for your husband,...
Do you have a Tru Story to tell? About the Launch? The Podcast?
Do you agree the church has a problem in its messaging about women and men? Have you experienced this or heard it is a problem for others? We take this problem seriously. At the Tru316 Foundation we have discovered the problem usually can be tracked back to Genesis...
Open Letter to Beth Moore after listening to her new Memoir!
Minneapolis, March 23, 2023 Dear Beth Moore, Elizabeth! Wow! I just finished listening to your reading of All My Knotted-Up Life. I’m thrilled at God’s grace in horrific situations and your terrific grit! This prompts me to reach out to you through this Open...
The Launch of the Tru316 Foundation! Was it successful?
The raw footage is now available here: See the Launch Replay To view (or review) click here to see the Launch Event of the Tru316 Foundation! Look for Keynote Speaker Dr. Jeannine Brown of the NIV Update Committee. Also look for Dr. Joy Fleming, Research...
Rich Dad, Poor Dad? Good Verse, Bad Verse?
Good Verse / Bad Verse by Bruce C. E. Fleming Every hear about the bestselling book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad? This is not about that book. Rich Verse / Poor Verse. The rich verse of Genesis 3:16 has been translated in a poor way. This is about the contrast in what...
The Garden of Eden was wonderful! Why do we hear otherwise?
For Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden was a wonderful place. Life together with God was wonderful too! Sadly, this good news about Eden has been largely covered over. This is due to the mistranslation and misinterpretation of Genesis 2-3 and especially of...
What about those Bible Versions?
Remember King James? You can be like King James to this generation in this century! He sponsored the translation of the King James Version of the Bible that was released in 1611. His team of translators got right what is in the first Line of Genesis 3:16. They...
This book is serialized for free on Season 10 of The Eden Podcast
God noticed parallels at the Tree in the rebellious acts of the serpent-tempter and the man. Strikingly the text of Genesis 3 is written out in 6 parallel points as God addresses each one of them. The way the passage is written reinforces the meaning of what...
A weight lifted from her shoulders.
Joy and I attended a birthday party of one of her classmates. As we collected our coats to leave the classmate and her three sisters came to say goodbye. When I mentioned Joy and I were co-founding a ministry, one of them asked, “Oh. Why are you doing that?” I...
It happened just now! 100,000 downloads of The Eden Podcast!
We just hit 100,000 downloads!!! Are you one of the great people who has listened to one or more of the first ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND Downloads of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming? Yes?? Your download was counted and helped us pass the 100,000 download mark!...
Become a Charter Member of the Tru316 Foundation for 2023!
We found the answer to the problem! The problem? People have been disappointed and even misled. Modern translations make it seem like God was unfair, Eve was the Temptress and all her daughters should be restricted in various ways. The answer? An in-depth dive into...
Mary Knew. Eve Did Too!
Mary Knew. Eve Did Too! by Bruce C. E. Fleming, Tru316 Foundation, December 2022 The Christmas Story is older than most people think. The full story involves two great heroines, Mary and also Eve. It begins all the way back in the Garden of Eden. Here’s what...
Books! Books! Books!
Our new catalog of books and more is now available! HERE Teresa Pietrangelo of Michigan writes, "Your books are written in a way that leads people to study step by step and to remember what they've learned with questions and reminders throughout. I feel I have...
The missing quotation marks around verses 34-35 in 1 Cor 14.
I’m pleased to present here an excerpt of my forthcoming book Because of Eden, 1 Corinthians 11 & 14 and 1 Peter 3 by Bruce C. E. Fleming. This excerpt is taken from the chapter on 1 Corinthians 14:34-40. --- A Closer Look Paul starts verse 36 with the...