Did you know? Victims of domestic violence, and those who minister to them, report being greatly helped and encouraged by the Tru316 Message.
What is the Tru316 Message? My wife, Dr. Joy Fleming, studied deeply the Genesis 2-3 passage on the Garden of Eden and concluded that according to the Hebrew text of Genesis 3:16, and the rest of the passage, “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.”
This message becomes clear when we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. We need to “true” the translation of Genesis 3:16 because translators of modern versions of the Bible have made a major error in saying God basically cursed woman with “pain-in-childbirth” because that is NOT what the Hebrew text says.
The Hebrew text says God was taking action in two ways, not one, and neither one having to do with birth pangs.
– One, that God would multiply her sorrowful toil in working the ground that God was going to curse because of the man.
– Two, that God would certainly bring to pass her conception of the promised offspring.
What does this have to do with domestic violence?Christians around the world have tended to believe the false charge that Adam made, that she was somehow his temptress. If she had been such a grave sinner then perhaps God did indeed strike her with severe penalties such as pain in childbirth and in subservience to the man, even if he was the active rebel in the Garden.
Such beliefs tend to relegate woman to one should be subjugated and even mistreated even with physical pain by the man. People tend to wrongly reason, “Hadn’t God struck her with severe birth pangs even in during natural act and blessed service of bringing life into the world?” They wrongly reason even further, “Hadn’t God said the sinful man should rule over her?” These beliefs are not taught in the Hebrew text but translations into modern languages make it look like this is what happened in Eden and this is taught by many deceived Christians today.
In reality, God warned Eve that Adam desired to rule over her. God didn’t tell Adam, “Hey fellow! Go rule over her.” Not at all. God warned her that the man who had dethroned God from ruling over him was going to act to usurp God’s place once again, this time to rule over her!
God’s rule over the man and over the woman was loving and benevolent. But the acts of the rebellious man were nothing of the sort.
When pastors, Christian counselors and teachers hold up rebellious Adam as a role model for all men in marriage and in church they weaponize the sinful ruling of one sinner over another, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:13).
When we learn the truth of Genesis 3:16 the truth sets us free. One woman reported that it had “changed her life for the better, her marriage too, the lives of her children and,” she added, “the lives of generations yet to come!”
That is why the Tru316 Foundation (Tru316.com) uses a variety of teaching methods to get the word out! We teach it in the Tru School Eden Workshop Series (Tru316.com/workshop), on The Eden Podcast (TheEdenPodcast.com), through The Eden Book Series, on our You Tube Channel (@Tru316.com). Plus we engage members of Bible revision committees through the work of the Tru316 Foundation (Tru316.com/partner).
What is your story? Do you have clarity on the passages on women and men in the light of a “true” understanding of Genesis 3:16?
We encourage you to think again about the troublesome translations and teachings that too many people have been exposed to. And we encourage you to take action. People have preferred ways of learning. Enroll in an 8-day small group Eden Workshop, purchase our books on passages that concern you, listen to the free episodes of The Eden Podcast, read the blog posts on Tru316.com/blog, subscribe to the YouTube Channel!
And we encourage you to become a Tru Partner by pledging a monthly amount to support our research and outreach! Click on Tru316.com/partner
Yours Tru-ly,
Rev. Bruce and Dr. Joy Fleming
Tru316 Foundation (Tru316.com)