The raw footage is now available here: See the Launch Replay
To view (or review) click here to see the Launch Event of the Tru316 Foundation!
- Look for Keynote Speaker Dr. Jeannine Brown of the NIV Update Committee.
- Also look for Dr. Joy Fleming, Research Scholar and Co-Founder of the Tru316 Foundation.
- Our live audience shared together before the live stream with a Meet and Greet over deluxe charcuterie and confections.
- We had amusing “Oh No!” technical difficulties you might notice here and there during the replay. Look for the wandering camera eye and for the out-of-place slides during the major talks. (We’re working on an edited version later viewers will get on
The purpose? To “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16 and related passages on women and men because mistranslations are hurting people as they try to apply misleading principles that God never communicated in the original Hebrew and Greek text of the Bible!
The need? To raise funds, so we can hire staff to communicate with Bible translators and scholars about the particulars, so they in turn can “true” the mistranslated verses in their Bible versions around the world.
You can help! Become a Tru Partner today. Click here:
Yours Tru-ly,
Rev. Bruce C. E. Fleming
Executive Director of the Tru316 Foundation (
Present in-person at the Launch were
- Our co-hosts Jean Bearden and Mimi Ouimet! Thanks SO much! ( and
- Our corporate lawyer for the foundation, Pat Mazorol, Esq.
- Our emcee for the Launch, and announcer of The Eden Podcast, Christy Gudim and husband Jeff.
- And many more special volunteers and honored guests.
To view (or review) click here to see the Launch Event of the Tru316 Foundation!