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The Garden of Eden was wonderful! Why do we hear otherwise?

The Garden of Eden was wonderful! Why do we hear otherwise?

  For Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden was a wonderful place. Life together with God was wonderful too!  Sadly, this good news about Eden has been largely covered over. This is due to the mistranslation and misinterpretation of Genesis 2-3 and especially of...
What about those Bible Versions?

What about those Bible Versions?

  Remember King James? You can be like King James to this generation in this century! He sponsored the translation of the King James Version of the Bible that was released in 1611. His team of translators got right what is in the first Line of Genesis 3:16. They...
A weight lifted from her shoulders.

A weight lifted from her shoulders.

  Joy and I attended a birthday party of one of her classmates. As we collected our coats to leave the classmate and her three sisters came to say goodbye. When I mentioned Joy and I were co-founding a ministry, one of them asked, “Oh. Why are you doing that?” I...
It happened just now! 100,000 downloads of The Eden Podcast!

It happened just now! 100,000 downloads of The Eden Podcast!

We just hit 100,000 downloads!!!  Are you one of the great people who has listened to one or more of the first ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND Downloads of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming? Yes?? Your download was counted and helped us pass the 100,000 download mark!...
Become a Charter Member of the Tru316 Foundation for 2023!

Become a Charter Member of the Tru316 Foundation for 2023!

We found the answer to the problem!  The problem? People have been disappointed and even misled. Modern translations make it seem like God was unfair, Eve was the Temptress and all her daughters should be restricted in various ways. The answer? An in-depth dive into...
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NEW! Key insights on 7 passages on women and men.

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