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Genesis 3:16b

Genesis 3:16b

  How the Hebrew Text of Genesis 3:16b Can Be Translated. by Joy Fleming, PhD, PsyD Genesis 3:16 can be translated as follows (with line b in bold): I will greatly multiply your sorrowful toil and your conception. With sorrow you will bring forth children. Your...
Genesis 3:16a

Genesis 3:16a

How the Hebrew Text of Genesis 3:16a Can Be Translated. by Joy Fleming, PhD, PsyD Genesis 3:16a can be translated as follows: I will greatly multiply your sorrowful toil and your conception. With sorrow you will bring forth children. Your desire is for your husband,...
Open Letter to Beth Moore after listening to her new Memoir!

Open Letter to Beth Moore after listening to her new Memoir!

  Minneapolis, March 23, 2023 Dear Beth Moore, Elizabeth! Wow! I just finished listening to your reading of All My Knotted-Up Life. I’m thrilled at God’s grace in horrific situations and your terrific grit! This prompts me to reach out to you through this Open...
The Launch of the Tru316 Foundation! Was it successful?

The Launch of the Tru316 Foundation! Was it successful?

  The raw footage is now available here: See the Launch Replay To view (or review) click here to see the Launch Event of the Tru316 Foundation!  Look for Keynote Speaker Dr. Jeannine Brown of the NIV Update Committee.  Also look for Dr. Joy Fleming, Research...
Rich Dad, Poor Dad? Good Verse, Bad Verse?

Rich Dad, Poor Dad? Good Verse, Bad Verse?

  Good Verse / Bad Verse by Bruce C. E. Fleming Every hear about the bestselling book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad? This is not about that book. Rich Verse / Poor Verse. The rich verse of Genesis 3:16 has been translated in a poor way. This is about the contrast in what...
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