Should we prohibit the prohibition of women from teaching?

Should we prohibit the prohibition of women from teaching?

  Should we prohibit the prohibition of women from teaching in church? by Bruce C. E. Fleming We should not look for any so-called “order of creation” or “order of the Fall.”  We do discover Paul was talking about an “order of disobedience.” When some say “No” to...


  by Bruce C. E. Fleming SUPERVERSEs! What comes to mind?  Super Man? The comic book from 1938?  Super Book? The cartoon series from 1981?  Super Fans? The book from 2019? It is time for SUPERVERSEs! What kind of verses? These are the Bible’s super verses on...
My First Trip to Kala, Zaïre … and back

My First Trip to Kala, Zaïre … and back

  Did I ever tell you how, long ago, we lived and worked in Africa? by Bruce C. E. Fleming I was at Kala Village on the banks of the Ubangi River in 1981. How did I get there? I don’t really recall. But on my way home I rode my dirt bike more than 100 miles into...
Victims of Domestic Violence Helped by the Tru316 Message!

Victims of Domestic Violence Helped by the Tru316 Message!

  Did you know? Victims of domestic violence, and those who minister to them, report being greatly helped and encouraged by the Tru316 Message. What is the Tru316 Message? My wife, Dr. Joy Fleming, studied deeply the Genesis 2-3 passage on the Garden of Eden and...
Is Genesis 3:16 about Pain in Childbirth? Yes? or No?

Is Genesis 3:16 about Pain in Childbirth? Yes? or No?

Did God talk about the act of childbirth in either Genesis 3:16a or 3:16b? by Bruce C. E. Fleming, Most people think God punished the woman with multiplied pain in childbirth. Their translations from the Hebrew Bible of Genesis 3:16 give them that...
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