What’s so Great about Eden? by Bruce C. E. Fleming, Founder of the Tru316 Project (Tru316.com)
There were three greats, actually. In my mind they just might overshadow the two curses.
1. The Great Attack! I no longer go along with calling Genesis chapter 3 “The Fall.” I call Genesis chapter 3 “The Attack and the Results.” God didn’t create two “tip-able” persons who one day just fell over. They were attacked by a vicious enemy Jesus later described as “ a murderer and the father of lies!” How would you like to engage in a face-to-face confrontation with that one? Satan-in-the-serpent didn’t engage the woman only. He used plural pronouns and addressed the two: the woman and the man who was with her (Genesis 3:1-7)
2. The Great Betrayal! I’m increasingly shocked by the way the man betrayed his one-flesh partner. While still on their honeymoon in Eden the man blamed the woman (and God too!) of being the problem. They had been attacked by the same one – Satan-in-the-serpent. But the man didn’t even mention the serpent-tempter’s voice. In an act of great betrayal and with an unfair accusation before God he blamed his partner’s action, and accused God.
3. The Great Promise! I’m seeing this as the pivotal point of the Garden experience. And it is! In two parts, in his words to the serpent in 3:15 and in his very first words to the woman in 3:16a about her certain conception, God made the great promise that a deliverer would come from the woman who would crush the head of their serpent attacker.
When these three “greats” are lined up like this the two curses (on the serpent and the soil) fade in relative importance. All the rest assumes it rightful place.
– Any claims that God added a third curse on the woman is easily dismissed as being in error (links here and here).
– God’s warning of the man’s likely rebellious ruling over the woman is seen as just another step after his great betrayal of her.
– Her steadfast loving affection (desire) is seen as an additional part of her faithfulness to God after her original disobedience which was triggered by the lies of their attacker.
The woman confessed her sin to God. She pointed to her attacker. She correctly discerned and labeled the extent of her sin – she had been deceived. She accepted God’s confirmation of her enmity against Satan and she received the great promise of the redeemer.