Here we go again. I just discovered another group that has come on the scene and is getting Genesis 3:16 very wrong. It is holding familiar, but very incorrect views on so-called biblical gender roles.
Until recently this has been the unquestioned mantra of many churches and ministries. Since the launch of the Tru316 Project however, that tower of beliefs has begun to shake because its foundations have been shown to be rotten.
Shall I quote this group’s statement on gender roles? I will below. Let me prepare you first.
They paste verse references into the body of their statement. All Bible verses are inspired by God as given in the Hebrew and Greek texts. But not all translations are well done.
Some translations and some interpretations are in blatant error. None of the verses referred to by these people actually support the statements they make in their document.
NOTE: I don’t want to promote this group. I hadn’t heard of them till yesterday. I will send you a link to their website if you wish. Just email me at
Below is their statement on gender roles. They confidently assert their views but sadly they are incorrect on every point. On the Tru316 Project’s podcast – The Eden Podcast – we have been teaching the content of seven key passages on women and men. Please refer to the corresponding episodes for teaching on these passages. You will find them in Episodes 1-4. And in the books in our Eden Book Series starting with The Book of Eden, Genesis 2-3.
“Gender roles are biblical and must be upheld in the Christian community. Men and women are equal before God in regards to intrinsic value and salvation (Gen. 1:27; Gal. 3:28), but nevertheless have been given by God specific callings. The man is the head of his family—not as a coercive force, but as a servant leader (1 Cor. 11:3). The man is called by God to protect and manage his family well (1 Tim. 3:4), love his wife, and even lay his life down for her (Eph. 5:25). In regards to church leadership, men are called to exercise authority over the congregation, both in teaching to the collective assembly (1 Cor. 14:34–35) and in shepherding (1 Tim. 2:8–3:13). Women are called to respect their husbands out of willful humility (1 Pet. 3:1) and to help and encourage them (Gen. 2:18). In the Christian community women are uniquely called to teach and disciple other women (Tit. 2:3–5).”
Would you like to help to correct these errors? Please pray for us as we found the new Tru316 Foundation in 2022! Thank you!
Bruce C. E. Fleming